In partnership with Compound Grants, Our Network is putting out a Request for Coverage (RFC) on Compound.
Interested contestants should submit a public dashboard (we recommend Dune Analytics, or Flipside Crypto - click here for access) with 6+ data points on Compound's network health using this this submission form. Winning submissions will also be featured in a future Our Network newsletter.
To get started, see below for some ideas:
- Comparing Compound's daily revenue to COMP issuance
- Charting reserves for each market over time (e.g., chart showing reserve growth on USDC day by day)
- Charting % of total borrow for each asset over time (e.g., USDC, 41%, DAI, 40%, USDT 8%, etc.)
- Utilization rate per asset over time
- List of largest suppliers and borrowers
- List of accounts close to being liquidated
- List of accounts that performed liquidations, listed by dollar amount (notional)
📅 Due Date
💰 Bounty
- $5k worth of COMP each for the top 3 dashboards
- $250 worth of COMP to all other applicants
✨ Judge
- Larry Sukernik (Compound Grants)